Materia Manager Maxscript API Documentation

This is the main Material Mananer UI struct.
Use this global to access the UI related functions of the API.
It is recommended to always use it with the double-colon notation (::g_VP_PresetManagerUI).

This is the main Material Mananer API struct.
Use this global to access the core functions of the API.
It is recommended to always use it with the double-colon notation (::g_VP_PresetManagerApi).

This is the main API struct. It contains the functions needed to manipulate the presets.
IMPORTANT: always use this struct using the global ::g_VP_PresetManagerApi.
Deletes a preset (from disk and database) using the preset’s GUID.
WARNING: This method does NOT ask for confirmation!
  • inPresetGuid
    “System.Guid” dotNet object | String in a format supported by “System.Guid” object
    The GUID of the preset to delete.

Creates a new preset.
  • inMaterial
    Material | Map
    The material or map to save.
  • inPresetName
    The preset name that will be stored in the database.
  • inAuthor
    The name of the autor of the preset.
    The current windows user.
  • inCreateThumbnail
    Should a thumbnail be rendered.
  • The new preset (a dotNet object), or undefined if the user canceled the creation.

Loads the given preset.
  • inPresetGuid
    “System.Guid” dotNet object | String in a format supported by “System.Guid” object
    The GUID of the preset to delete.
  • The loaded material or map, or undefined if the loading failed.

Render and update a preset’s thumbnail.
  • inPreset
    Preset (dotNet object)
    The preset for which to re-render the thumbnail.
  • inRenderQuality
    #Fast | #Good | #High
    Sets a render quality to use for this render.
    The render quality value from the preferences will be restored afterwards.
    Use value from preferences.
  • outIsCanceled
    When a variable is passed as reference to this parameter,
    will indicate whether the render was canceled by the user.
  • True if the render succeeded, false otherwise.

Checks if a material or map is valid for this version of Material Manager.
  • inMaterial
    Material | Map
    The material or map to check.
  • True if the material or map is valid for use with material manager.

This contains the API functions related to user interface and interaction.
IMPORTANT: always use this struct using the global ::g_VP_PresetManagerUI.

Open the preset manager window.
  • inSingleType
    Material | Map
    Pass a material or map to this parameter to open the manager in “load preset”
    mode. It will allow to select only a single preset and will show the “Load” button.
    Upon load (double click or clicking the load button), the original material or map
    will be replaced with the loaded preset.
  • inShowOnlyCompatibleMaterials
    Should presets that were saved with newer versions of 3ds Max
    be shown as well.
    Use value from preferences.
  • inAutoFilterRendererAttribute
    Should presets that are not compatible with the current renderer
    be shown as well.
    Use value from preferences.
  • inShowGenericTypes
    Array of materials and maps (or their max classes) | #All
    The types of generic filters to have checked on when the manager starts.
  • inShowPluginTypes
    Array of materials and maps (or their max classes) | #All
    The types of plugin filters to have checked on when the manager starts.
  • inAttributes
    array of: dotNet Attribute object | attribute name (as string or name) | attribute ID as integer.
    The attributes to pre-select when the manager opens.

A simplified method to open the manager from within a scripted plugin.
The normal showManager() method doesn’t work from within a scripted plugin.
  • inSingleType
    Material | Map
    Pass a material or map to this parameter to open the manager in “load preset”
    mode. It will allow to select only a single preset and will show the “Load” button.
    Upon load (double click or clicking the load button), the original material or map
    will be replaced with the loaded preset.
  • inAttributes
    array of: dotNet Attribute object | attribute name (as string or name) | attribute ID as integer.
    The attributes to pre-select when the manager opens.

Close the manager window.

Creates a new preset, but includes prompting the user for some input.
  • inMaterial
    Material | Map
    The material or map to save.
  • inPresetName
    The preset name that will be stored in the database.
  • inAuthor
    The name of the autor of the preset.
    The current windows user.
  • inCreateThumbnail
    Should a thumbnail be rendered.
  • inShowManager
    Should the manager be shown after the material has been created.