What is Material Manager ?
The VP MATERIAL MANAGER is a flexible plugin to manage materials and maps within 3DS MAX® in ways never possible before. Material presets can now have ATTRIBUTES that can easily be filtered with the integrated attribute filters. The times are over where you needed to dive through folders to find the material you need. Just select the combination of attributes and the preset manager will show you the materials that fit these attributes. Finding materials was really never faster!
Besides this new way of finding and loading presets, the MATERIAL MANAGER also manages bitmaps in a completely new way. MATERIAL MANAGER stores the bitmaps in a central library database to ensure that bitmaps are found when materials are loaded. Really, who wants to loose time by re-locating lost bitmaps …
But MATERIAL MANAGER has much more to offer. You can use the wild-card search with instant results that a blazingly fast, change and edit attributes, add comments, rate presets, create favorites and many more.
Plugin Integration
MATERIAL MANAGER is integrated directly into MaxTiles with buttons for loading and saving presets. This way you don´t have to bother creating a new material or re-assigning a material to an object, just load a different preset and watch the result.

Attribute Filtering
If you are looking for a material or map preset, you don´t want to waste time searching through several material libraries. The ATTRIBUTES section of Material Manager makes finding presets a breeze. Just click the attributes that describe the characteristics of your material and you´ll only see the results that fit. Filter by COLOR, TYPE, MAP OR MATERIAL, and even search live by just typing in the search field.
Better Previews
Multiple and enlarged Previews
One preview thumbnail might not be enough and waiting for a preview to be rendered can also be annoying. With Material Manager, you can assign up to 5 preview images per preset, which can be enlarged for better viewing.

Import and Exchange
Integrate your 3Ds Max .mat libraries and exchange presets with colleagues
Material Manager offers two methods of importing presets and one option to export presets. You can import 3Ds Max .mat libraries and automatically render thumbnails for each of the presets. You can also export self-contained presets including the bitmaps for better exchange with colleagues or other artists. Just use the proprietary format .mmp to export one or more presets and import in Material Manager.
Online User Library
Share materials and maps online
The online User Library provides a growing repository of shared materials and maps by other users. Materials can be uploaded and downloaded with the Material Manager and a valid internet connection. To upload and share presets, a registered User account is required.
View User Library Materials ...
- Filter materials by attributes
- Very fast material management
- Set material favorites and show favorites only
- Rate materials
- Add User Attributes [PRO]
- Multiple thumbnails and large previews
- Wildcard search materials with instant results
- Sort materials by name, date, last update, comments, rating
- Collapse attribute filters section
- Gallery and List view for material results
- Load presets from VIZ Plugins
- Assign materials to objects directly
- Assign to material editor slots
- Lite Edition FREE for all VIZ PLUGINS
- NEW in v1.3.5: Support for 3Ds Max 2021
- NEW in v1.3.3: Support for 3Ds Max 2020
- NEW in v1.3.2: Save presets with relative paths (don´t copy bitmaps)
- NEW in v1.3.0: Connect via network through Proxy Server
- NEW in v1.3.0: Performance improvements
- NEW in v1.3.0: Select User Library / VP / Local presets
- NEW in v1.2.5: Support for Max 2018
- NEW in v1.2.4: FStorm Render support
- NEW in v1.2.0: Drag and Drop
- NEW in v1.2.0: Arnold render support
- NEW in v1.1.9: Create and edit USER ATTRIBUTES
- NEW in v1.1.8: Team version across network
- NEW in v1.1.8: Import .mat libraries
- NEW in v1.1.8: Re-Render thumbnails
- NEW in v1.1.8: Ex- and import .mmp presets with bitmaps
- NEW in v1.1.8: Enlarge previews
- NEW in v1.1.7: Multi-Previews for each preset
- NEW in v1.1.6: Custom thumbnails and quality settings
- NEW in v1.1.0: Online User Library
FREE TO USE – but …
Material Manager is available for 3Ds Max for FREE as is, but WITHOUT support or liability. This means that you can use this software and the included content for free without paying anything, even in commercial productions.
MaxTiles is compatible with 3Ds Max 2016 – 2021. Newer versions of 3Ds Max are not supported and there are no plans to support Max 2022 or newer at the moment.
If you´re interested in licensing or buying the code for your company to make it your own, please get in touch with us. We´re open for any serious offer.