What is WALLS & TILES ?

WALLS & TILES is a 3Ds Max scripted plugin with two shader map plugins: Crossmap from VIZPARK and BerconTile from Jerry Ylilammi. The script extends a vray / standard material with a gui and remote functions to adjust the containing maps BerconTile and Crossmap in multiple layers. This way, it´s very easy to create, adjust and change tiled materials like brickwalls, stone floors, interior tiles, wood tiles and many more.

WALLS & TILES - User Interface and parameters



The about screen contains information about the version.

Online Help

This dialog contains links to documentation, tutorials and more for Walls & Tiles.



In this preferences window you can define the filter settings which the auto-loader should use to filter and assign bitmaps to the layers bump, reflection, diffuse and displacement while loading. If you use "*" as string, the filter will load all bitmaps, if you use "diff" it will load all bitmaps with diff in the names. Currently you can auto-load the formats .jpg / .png / .gif / .bmp / .tga / .tif .

Default Library Path
This path will be the path that is preselected in the load bitmaps dialog window. Once selected and stored it remains stored until you change it again.

Walls & Tiles Library and Material Manager



Load Preset
Load Preset will open the Material Manager in WALLS & TILES MATERIAL MODE. This means, only Walls & Tiles material presets will be shown. Double click or LOAD on the bottom right corner will load the preset and it´s bitmaps.

Save Preset
Save Preset will save a Walls & Tiles material preset into the Material Manager. The included bitmaps are also saved, as well as a map thumbnail (600 x 600 pixel) that will be rendered during this process.After saving the files and rendering the thumbnail, Material Manager will open, so you can define attributes for the preset.

Open Manager
Open Manager will open Material Manager in general mode that shows ALL available presets stored in Material Manager and it´s database.

Further information about Material Manager can be found in the Material Manager Documentation:


Material Manager Documentation

Walls & Tiles Statistics


This new statistics rollout is meant to be an informational help to better understand RAM use and resolution when using Walls & Tiles instead of normal bitmaps.

Number Bricks/Tiles in map
This value shows the total count of bricks / tiles in the complete map. Example: If you set 10 rows with a ratio of 1.0, the map will count 10x10 = 100 bricks.

Total number of loaded bitmaps
This is the total count of bitmaps loaded into RAM. Every bitmap counts as one, so 1 diffuse + 1 bump + 1 reflection will result in 3 total bitmaps.

Total RAM use of all bitmaps
While bitmaps stored on harddisk may be small if compressed as jpg, png or other formats, they will use more RAM when loaded, because they are always kept in RAM uncompressed. The Total RAM use is an approximation of all loaded bitmaps and how much RAM they use when loaded. (shown in MegaByte)

Average bitmap resolution
The average bitmap resolution is calculated based on all loaded diffuse bitmaps. If bitmaps with different resolutions are loaded, their average resolution will be shown here.

Virtual full texture resolution
If you are using tile bitmaps with 1000x1000 pixel resolution and you have 10 bitmaps in row with ratio 1.0, the virtual resolution of the complete texture map with Walls & Tiles will be 10.000 x 10.000 pixel. Why is this important ? Because sometimes high resolution textures are needed, for large poster prints or for animations with close ups. So knowing the virtual resolution gives information about how sharp / hires a texture can be and how close you can go with a camera. (shown in Pixel and MegaPixel)

Theoretical RAM use without Walls & Tiles
This value is a theoretical value to see how much RAM a bitmap (without Walls & Tiles) at the above virtual resolution would need.

RAM saved with Walls and Tiles
This value (in % percent) shows how much RAM you save by using Walls & Tiles compared to a normal bitmap at the virtual resolution. Values range from 99.99 % (almost 100% RAM saved) to -xxx %. A value below 0 means that a fixed bitmap would use less RAM compared to the current Walls & Tiles setup. The status LED shows RED if Walls & Tiles uses more RAM than a normal bitmap texture and GREEN, if RAM is saved by using Walls & Tiles.

Render to Maps


Render to Maps allows to bake maps from your Walls & Tiles material and create new materials quite easily. This can be handy if you feel that the render times are high because of Walls & Tiles or if you would want to use a specific material in VRAY RT or any other GPU renderer. While Walls & Tiles itself is not compatible to GPU renders, the standard materials mostly are, so you can easily create a new standard material from Walls & Tiles and use this for GPU rendering.

Map Render Layers
Here you can choose which layers should be rendered from the material. The checkboxes are selected automatically after loading bitmaps and stay unselected if no bitmaps are loaded. Only layers that are checked will be rendered to maps.

Map Resolution (X/Y) set the pixel-resolution for the maps to render. 1024 means 1024x1024 pixel, so a 1k bitmap for each layer.

Output filename, type, location ... defines the format in which the bitmaps are saved (jpg, png, etc) and where they are saved.

Render Maps
The Render Maps button renders the layers to bitmaps and stores them in your defined location and format.

Create New Material
After renderings the maps, you can create a new material, either placed directly on your selected geometry or as new material in the material editor (you can select the slot). The parameters of your original material (intensities of diffuse, reflection, displacement and bump) will be copied to the new material.

Bitmap Auto-Loader


Select Folder
This button will open up a dialog to select a folder containing bitmaps. Depending on the filter preferences, the bitmaps will be loaded and automatically assigned to the corresponding layers for bump, reflection, displace and diffuse. The process bar below shows the loading process and shows a full white bar, if bitmaps are loaded.

Append Bitmaps
If this button is checked, bitmaps are added to the existing bitmaps already loaded. If Append bitmaps is unchecked, the existing bitmaps are cleared and the new bitmaps are loaded instead.

With this function you can clear all Crossmap maps from bitmaps and empty the layers.

Loaded Bitmaps:
The layers Diffuse, Bump, Reflection, Displace, Alpha and Normal show the current number of loaded bitmaps per layer. The Normal bitmaps are used for the bump channel either alone or in combination with the bump bitmaps. The Alpha bitmaps are used to separate the mortar from the brick to edit the mortar contrast and brightness independent from the bricks.

Bricks / Tiles Infos and Probabilities


Infos and Probabilities

This new dialog window shows a complete list of all diffuse bitmaps, including their thumbails, sizes, RAM use and probabilities.

Shows a small thumbnail of each diffuse bitmap.

Opens a full preview of the diffuse bitmap.

This value set the probability of each tile based on the diffuse bitmaps. A value of 1 means that the tile has normal probability, a value of 0 means that it should never appear, a value of 5 means that the bitmap should appear 5 times as often as the other bitmaps. (Value range: 0 - 999)

Shows the pixel resolution of the diffuse bitmap.

Shows the approximated memory use of the diffuse bitmap in MegaByte.

Shows the filename of the loaded diffuse bitmap.

Brick / Tile size


Mapping Type

  • Real World The advantage of this mode is clearly that all objects which have set the mapping to "Real World Mapping" will have the correct size of the bricks / tiles, no matter which size these objects have. You will not necessarily need to care about proper uv-mapping anymore, if the objects are not scale. This is an easy way to set up large scenes with lots of objects. Only disadvantage of this mode is that the viewport and material previews will not work properly.
  • Per Object allows different sizes of the same bricks on different objects. You can define define uv-map-coordinates per object and also have a correct preview in the viewport and material editor. You can enable the preview for the diffuse channel by selecting the diffuse map and activating the preview button.

Brick size X/Y
Here you can define the brick size directly in world units when using Real World mapping. If you use per Object mapping, these parameters are deactivated.

Number of rows
When in per Object mapping mode, you can define the resolution of the wall or floor pattern by setting the vertical number of rows. 10 means that the uv-map will contain 10 rows of the bricks or tiles. This parameter is deactivated in Real World Mapping mode.

Aspect Ratio
Here you can define the aspect ratio for the tiles. It also updates the aspect ratio when defining the Brick sizes. A value of 1.0 means a perfect square, a value of 2.0 means X is 2 times the size of Y. 0.5 means X is half size of Y.

Automatic Size
The Automatic Size button will try to calculate the correct number of rows for your object, based on the defined size of your brick/tile and the uv map size dimensions of your object. If your object does not have a uv map, Walls & Tiles will assign a uv map modifier to your object with a box mapping (perfectly square) so that the calculation will be correct for your object. In case you already use a uv map modifier with non-square dimensions, please adjust the dimensions to equal x, y and z or adjust the rows and aspect ratio manually.

Automatic Ratio
The Automatic Ratio button is very handy when you don´t know the exact ratio of your bricks. If turned on, the ratio will be automatically calculated based on the width and height of all diffuse bitmaps. When bitmaps have different aspect ratios, the average of all diffuse maps will be calculated. You can turn this function off by changing the ratio parameter to a different value than the auto-ratio value.

Bond Patterns


Bond Patterns
The following table show 16 different bond patterns for walls and tiles of different kind. The patterns include:

Custom Bond Pattern


Custom Bond Patterns
This new feature in version 1.1 allows the creation of custom bond patterns based on a simple number definition.

A custom pattern is defined by rows: row1 / row2 / row3 / ...Each row has a definition for offset, brick height, and several brick widths. ( Example: 0,1,1/0.25,0.5,1,0.5/-0.5,1,0.25,0.5,0.125 )

ROW Format
Each row (beginning at the bottom) is defined in this format: offset, height, width1, width2, width3, ... , while each parameter is depending on the defined Brick size (width) and (Height) that is defined in the Walls & Tiles Brick / Tile size.

A positive offset ( 0.5 ) will shift all rows by 50% width. A negative offset ( -0.25 ) will shift EVERY row by additional 25% width.

A value of 1 sets the row to 100% height, a value of 0.5 to 50% height and a value of 2 to 200% height.

The first number (width1) sets the width of the first brick/tile, the second number (width2) of the second brick/tile and so on. Depending on how many widths you define, the pattern will repeat 1,2,3 or more widths.

Custom Bond example 1
Custom Bond example 1

Custom Bond example 2
Custom Bond example 2

Custom Bond example 3
Custom Bond example 3

Custom Bond example 4
Custom Bond example 4

Edges / Mortar


Crop original Edges
This parameter will cut off the edges of each tile from 0% to 100%. When cropping the edges, the bitmap in each tile will be automatically scaled to fit the bond pattern. Width (X) and height (Y) of the edges can be cropped independently.

Soften Edges
The Soften Edges parameter will add soft-edges to each brick / tile. The edges between the tiles will have the color set below.

Procedural Edges
This parameter adds procedural edges to the tiles with the color set below. Width (X) and height (Y) of the procedural edges can be changed independently. 

Procedural Edge Map
If a map is loaded, the color has no influence and the edges / mortar is defined by the map alone. If not map is used, the color defines the color of the procedural edges.

Original Mortar Brightness
This parameter changes the brightness of the mortar between the bricks. It is ONLY available when Alpha maps are loaded that separate the mortar from the bricks.

Original Mortar Contrast
This parameter changes the contrast of the mortar between the bricks. It is ONLY available when Alpha maps are loaded that separate the mortar from the bricks.

Original Mortar Amount
With this value you can blend between the original mortar from the diffuse bitmaps and the procedural mortar (either as the mortar color or a map if used). The value range is from 0-100 while 0 means procedural mortar only and 100 means original mortar only. It is ONLY available when Alpha maps are loaded that separate the mortar from the bricks.



Global Random Seed
Setting a new random seed will randomize the bitmap distribution and other randomization settings.

Random Size
Random size will randomly scale the bitmap up, but not down.

Random Rotation
Random rotation will rotate each tile randomly.

Random Stretch-X
This parameter will stretch and squeeze each tile. Settings this parameter to 50 or higher will result in a nice random tiles, good for cobblestones for example.

Random Stretch-Y
This parameter will stretch and squeeze the complete rows up and down, but not the individual tiles.

The Distortion parameter will distort the complete map based on a noise map. The value sets the distortion strength.

Distortion Size
The Distortion Size sets the size / granularity of the noise distortion. Lower values will distort with more fine detail, higher values will distort the map on a larger scale.

Random Mirror
This parameter will randomly mirror each tile by the X-axis and/or Y-axis. Diagonal mirroring will rotate a tile by 90° (diagonal mirror) but will disable the random rotation parameter. 

Sequence Order

  • Random order will distribute the tiles randomly across the bond pattern.
  • Linear sequence can be used to create repeating patterns. The loaded maps are mapped one after another, then repeated.
  • Random probability can be used to define a random distribution with specific bricks/tiles appearing more or less often. The probabilities are defined in the "List Bitmaps and Probabilities" dialog.

Random Size
Random Size

Random Rotation
Random Rotation

Random Stretch-X
Random Stretch-X

Random Stretch-Y
Random Stretch-Y

Random Distortion
Random Distortion

Random Mirror X/Y
Random Mirror X/Y

Random Sequence
Random Sequence

Linear Sequence
Linear Sequence

Surface Randomization


Random Bump
Random bump will vary the bump amounts for each tile by the value from 0% to 100%.

Random Displacement
Random displacement will vary the displacement amounts for each tile by the value from 0% to 100%.

Random Reflection
Random reflection will vary the reflection amounts for each tile by the value from 0% to 100%.

Color Randomization


Random Hue
Random hue will vary the hue amounts for each tile by the value from 0% to 100%.

Random Saturation
Random saturation will vary the saturation amounts for each tile by the value from 0% to 100%.

Random Value
Random value will vary the dark-light values for each tile by the value from 0% to 100%.

Direction < > 
The directional buttons will randomize hue, sat and val only to positive, negative or both directions.

No Color Variation
No Color Variation

Random Hue
Random Hue

Random Saturation
Random Saturation

Random Value
Random Value

Color Correction (Tiles only)


Color Correction (Tiles only)
These parameters hue, sat, val will change the tiles only, without affecting the mortar or edges (only if alpha maps are loaded).

Global Gamma Correction
The Gamma parameter adjusts the output Gamma of the loaded bitmaps from 0.01 to 10. Depending on what your Input Gamma settings are in the Render Preferences, you might need to adjust the output gamma accordingly.

VRAY Displacement and Effect ID



VRAY Displacement 

This function adds a vray displacement modifier on top of the selected geometry and copies the displacement map from the material to the map of the modifier. It also adjusts some parameters to avoid gap on corners.

Effect ID Channel override 
The Gamma parameter adjusts the output Gamma of the loaded bitmaps from 0.01 to 10. Depending on what your Input Gamma settings are in the Render Preferences, you might need to adjust the output gamma accordingly.


  • Autodesk 3Ds Max 2021 (64 bit)
  • Autodesk 3Ds Max 2020 (64 bit)
  • Autodesk 3Ds Max 2019 (64 bit)
  • Autodesk 3Ds Max 2018 (64 bit)
  • Autodesk 3Ds Max 2017 (64 bit)
  • Autodesk 3Ds Max 2016 (64 bit)
  • Chaosgroup VRay renderer
  • Scanline renderer
  • Corona Renderer

What is CROSSMAP ?

CROSSMAP is a 3DS MAX® shader that randomly distributes bitmaps on geometry (objects, elements, faces etc.). Just select a folder with bitmaps, load them automatically and distribute these in your scene to enhance variation.

Crossmap - User Interface and general parameters



The header includes the version number, an about screen, a link to the activation dialog / License Viewer and a link to the online documentation (this page).

The about button opens a window with information about the version number, the developers, and a weblink to the CHANGELOG.

Online Help
This button links to the documentation page (this page) directly.


Crossmap Presets and Material Manager



Load Preset
Load Preset will open the Material Manager in CROSSMAP MAP MODE. This means, only Crossmap map presets will be shown. Double click or LOAD on the bottom right corner will load the preset and it´s bitmaps.

Save Preset
Save Preset will save a Crossmap map preset into the Material Manager. The included bitmaps are also saved, as well as a map thumbnail (600 x 600 pixel) that will be rendered during this process.After saving the files and rendering the thumbnail, Material Manager will open, so you can define attributes for the presets.

Open Manager
Open Manager will open Material Manager in general mode that shows ALL available presets stored in Material Manager and it´s database.

Further information about Material Manager can be found in the Material Manager Documentation:

Material Manager Documentation

Image List


Please select a folder with bitmaps
This button loads multiple bitmaps from an entire folder (including subfolders). You can load a complete folder just by clicking on this button and select a folder that contains bitmaps. Once selected, a progress bar appears at the bottom of the 3DS MAX® gui that shows the loading process. Be careful with folders that contain too many bitmaps as loading may take a while.

Add bitmap(s)
The Add bitmap button opens a standard windows file dialog which you can use to locate and select one or multiple images to be loaded / added to the image list. For multiple selection hold shift / ctrl and select the images.

The delete button deletes the selected (check-marked) image files from the image list.

Sort list
This function sorts the image list in alphabetical order, by color or by probability.

Clear list
The Clear list button clears the complete image list.

Image List
The image selection list shows all currently loaded bitmaps. Hovering over an image name will show you the bitmap filepath. You can select and deselect images by clicking on the names.

Average Color
The average color is calculated during loading of the bitmap(s) for each bitmap. The color can be changed by clicking on the color field. Average colors can be used to match bitmaps to an input map (further explanation see below).

If you want to adjust how often a bitmap is used in a randomization, you can define the probability here for each bitmap. NOTE: The probability only works when "Random by probability" is chosen as Image Selection mode (see below).

Show will open up a preview window of the bitmap. Holding the mouse over the button will show a tooltip with the image resolution and gamma value.


Bitmap Autoload-Filter
When loading a large number of images, you might want to restrict the loading to certain bitmaps with specific names, bit-dephts or sizes. This is where the Autoload-Filter helps. After selecting a folder with bitmaps, you can define inclusion or exclusion of strings (e.g. only load bitmaps with the string "diffuse"). You can also filter by bit-depth and size (e.g. only load bitmaps with 24bit and not larger than 4000 x 3000 pixels).

Image Distribution


This drop down menu contains options on which the bitmaps are randomized:

  • Linear sequence selects the bitmaps in linear order, one after another from the list top down
  • Random (by probability) selects the bitmaps in randomized order (by considering the predefined probability values per bitmap)
  • Random sequence selects the bitmaps in randomized order (using the system random function)
  • Use Input Map selects the bitmaps or parts of the bitmaps according to the values (light to dark) from the input map
  • Limit to similar color will reduce the number of bitmaps from the list during rendering to bitmaps with similar colors.

Linear sequence

Random sequence

Input Map


This drop down menu contains options in which order the bitmaps are randomized:

  • Per element distributes the bitmaps based on elements of an object
  • Per face distributes the bitmaps based on the faces / polygons of an object
  • Per face ID distributes the bitmaps based on face IDs
  • Per Material ID distributes the bitmaps based on material IDs
  • Per object distributes the bitmaps based on each object (one bitmap per object)
  • Per object ID distributes the bitmaps based on the object IDs
  • Use Omnitiles/BerconTiles ID distributes the bitmaps when used in combination with BerconTile or Omnitiles 
  • Use Input Map distributes the bitmaps based on the input map
  • VRay Instance distributes the bitmaps based on vray instances, for example on single hairs of vray fur

per Element

Per element distributes the bitmaps based on elements of an object. In this example, each leaf has one of 12 random bitmaps.

per Face

Per face distributes the bitmaps based on the faces / polygons of an object. This example shows a simple plane with random bitmaps on each of the faces.

per Face ID

Per face ID distributes the bitmaps based on face IDs. Each face ID (triangle in this case) gets a random separate bitmap from the list.

per Material ID

Per Material ID distributes the bitmaps based on material IDs. IDs were manually defined on faces in edit poly mode.

per Object

Per Object distributes the bitmaps on Objects. In this example, thousands of stones, scattered with ForestPack Pro, use random bitmaps.

per Object ID

Per Object ID distributes the bitmaps based on G-Buffer IDs of objects. In this example the teapots have one ID and the ground plane another ID.

Omnitiles/BerconTile ID

Omnitiles/BerconTile ID distributes the bitmaps based on Omnitiles or BerconTile patterns. Each brick in the pattern gets a random single bitmap of a brick.

Use Input Map

Use Input Map distributes the bitmaps based on the values of another bitmap or procedural map.

Input Map


Here you can assign (almost) any other map containing color input options. You can use this input map to drive image selection of the image list. The images will be selected depending on luminance of the input map. Using the input map will open new possibilities to combine, mix and selectively distribute images on objects, elements or faces. For example, if you have a tree with leaves, you can use this input map to specifically place certain leaves on top of the tree while others on the bottom.

Use nearest color match
This new feature is very useful to create mosaic like patterns or distribute bitmaps specifically at certain areas or colors of another source map. While the normal input map function does not select or distribute bitmaps according to their color, this feature matches the source map colors to the average colors of the individual bitmaps. You can select to match colors by RGB values or by Hue, Saturation, Value and set the amount to be used individually for each parameter. If your color matching needs more randomization, you can spread the bitmaps selection and randomize their distribution with the Random spread value from 0% (just use the fitting bitmaps) to 100% (use more bitmaps from the list who´s color lies next to the original color).



Random Seed
The random seed parameter changes and randomization setting. If you like to change how the bitmaps are randomized, change this number to any other number until you are satisfied.

Random X-Flip / Y-Flip
The random flip parameters will randomly mirror each bitmap vertically or horizontally.

X-Offset / Y-Offset
These offset parameters will randomly offset the source maps from 1-100 % (0.01 to 1.0) in X or Y direction. Note: The random shift only randomizes the SOURCE maps, not the maps on target geometry, which means that one bitmap is shifted once, not differently on multiple objects, faces or other elements.

Color Variation


Color Variation lets you further randomize colors of the bitmaps. HSV stands for Hue, Saturation, Value. You can set the values from 0 to 100 which will result in random values from 0% to 100% for each parameter. You can set the range direction, up, down or both with the checkmarks.

Global Gamma
Global Gamma controls the overall output gamma value of the loaded bitmaps. You might want to adjust this parameter according to the settings in your global 3ds max gamma preferences.

No color variation

Hue variation

Saturation and Value variation

Global Color Corrections


Gamma Correction, Saturation, Brightness, Hue, Exposure and Contrast change the color of all loaded bitmaps at once.

Output Parameters

The Output parameters rollout includes the common settings for bitmaps rgb and alpha output. This is very useful when you are using bitmaps with an alpha channel and would like to use the alpha channel together with the diffuse channel (e.g. leaves of a tree). When you output the alpha channel on the mono channel output with Alpha Source = Image Alpha and the RGB values on the RGB channel, you can use the same XMAP as instance in the diffuse slot and the opacity slot of a material.


  • Autodesk 3Ds Max 2021 (64 bit)
  • Autodesk 3Ds Max 2020 (64 bit)
  • Autodesk 3Ds Max 2019 (64 bit)
  • Autodesk 3Ds Max 2018 (64 bit)
  • Autodesk 3Ds Max 2017 (64 bit)
  • Autodesk 3Ds Max 2016 (64 bit)
  • Chaosgroup v-ray renderer
  • Scanline renderer
  • Corona Renderer (NOTE: per Face mapping is not available in Corona)


COLOR EXTRACT extracts up to 100 colors from any photo to be randomly assigned to objects, elements, faces, or even other procedural maps; a very fast and easy way to assign grass colors to grass blades, tree colors to leaves or sand colors to a noise map.

COLOR EXTRACT 1.1 - User Interface and general parameters




The header is just informational. It shows the version number, in case you need support, the serial number, your name and company, and a link to this online documentation.

Color Source

This is where you load the bitmap / photo that you want to use as base for the color extraction. You can load any bitmap that 3ds max supports. The bitmap path will be available in the asset tracker, in case you need to re-assign a missing bitmap.

Color Extraction

Extract 100 most common colors
This parameter sets the number of colors that will be extracted from the loaded bitmap. You can set the value from 1 to 100 which will result in the same number of most common colors from the bitmap.

Skip first xx colors
You may not be happy with the default extracted colors, so you can skip the first xx colors to get better extraction results.

Color Display
The color display serves as representation of the extracted colors and their order. In case you want to use the colors in a linear sequence order, they will be used one by one from left to right, top to bottom.

Color Sorting

If you want to change the order of the color sequence, you can use the manual reorder function and drag-and-drop the colors to different positions. Inserting a color further in front will shift the colors one step behind, inserting a color behind will shift the colors before one step to the front.

Autosort by
The autosort function will sort the colors according to Color (RGB values), Luminance or Count (order in which they were extracted). This is very helpful whenever you want to create special color-patterns or soft transitions in procedural maps. You can choose the following autosort modes:

  • Color - Colors will be sorted by RGB values.
  • Color (Inverse) - Colors will be sorted by RGB values, but inverse. 
  • Count - Colors will be sorted in the order they were extracted.
  • Luminance - Colors will be sorted dark to light.
  • Luminance (Inverse) - Colors will be sorted light to dark.

Color Distribution

This drop down menu contains different distribution categories on which the colors are assigned to geometry:

  • Pixels - This mode creates Random, Linear or Mirror pixel maps.
  • Objects - This mode distributes colors on objects, IDs, elements or faces.
  • Coordinates - This mode creates tiled, 1-dimensional, 2D or 3D maps.
  • Input map - This mode uses an external map as source for the color distribution.


  • Linear - Colors will be mapped in a linear sequence pixel by pixel.
  • Mirror - Colors will be mapped in mirrored sequence pixel by pixel.
  • Random - Colors will be mapped in a randomized sequence pixel by pixel.


  • Object (linear) - Colors will be mapped per object in a linear sequence.
  • Object - Colors will be randomly mapped per object.
  • Per Element - Colors will be mapped randomly on elements of an object.
  • Per Object ID - Colors will be mapped based on the object IDs
  • Per Material ID - Colors will be mapped according to the material IDs.
  • Per Face - Colors will be mapped randomly on faces of an object.


  • 1D mapping - Colors will be mapped one-dimensional.
  • 2D mapping - Colors will be mapped two-dimensional.
  • 3D mapping - Colors will be mapped three-dimensional.
  • As Tiles - A tiled pattern will be generated based on the number of rows and columns defined below. 

Input Map

  • Input map - Uses the Input map slot below to assign colors to the procedural map.
  • BerconTile (Lin) - Uses the BerconTile distribution with Linear sequence. 
  • BerconTile (Rnd) - Uses the BerconTile distribution with Random order. 

Input map:
Here you can assign (almost) any other map containing color input options. Especially procedural maps (e.g. noise, falloff, speckle, tiles and more) will benefit from the new color input. While you are usually able to include maps in the color slot of the corresponding procedural maps, this input map works different. The color information from the input map will be used to select the colors depending on input colors. So it drastically extends the current color range of procedural maps.

Color Adjustments

Color Harmonizer
The color harmonizer adapts the colors to 7 different color harmonies: i-Type, V-Type, L-Type, I-Type, T-Type, Y-Type, X-Type. More information on Color Harmonization can be found here:

Gamma correction:
Depending on your color workflow, it may be necessary to adjust gamma values to get a linear workflow. The Gamma Correction can be set to a value from 0.1 to 10.0.

Hue, Saturation, Value
These parameters adjust the HSV amounts from 0% to 100% for all colors at once. This way you can change the overall color appearance easily.


  • Autodesk 3Ds Max 2021 (64 bit)
  • Autodesk 3Ds Max 2020 (64 bit)
  • Autodesk 3Ds Max 2019 (64 bit)
  • Autodesk 3Ds Max 2018 (64 bit)
  • Autodesk 3Ds Max 2017 (64 bit)
  • Autodesk 3Ds Max 2016 (64 bit)
  • Chaosgroup VRay renderer
  • Scanline renderer
  • Corona Renderer